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Monday, June 17, 2024

Κυβ. Representative: Possible new anti-accuracy measures are being evaluated

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The Government, within the possibilities of the state, takes decisions, with the aim of alleviating the problems faced by our vulnerable fellow citizens, said today the Government Spokesman Mr. Marios Pelekanos.

< Speaking to reporters at the Presidential Palace, when asked if additional measures would be taken to address the accuracy, the spokesman said "there is an assessment of new measures that could be taken.

to continue watching & # 8211; and this is what we do as a Government & # 8211; the situation and how it is shaped both at European and global level.

We will see in the European Council what decisions may be taken and how they will affect us.

And as he has stated the President of the Republic, within the capabilities of the state without endangering the state's finances or the future course of the state, we will take decisions, which will be targeted, with particular emphasis on alleviating the problem, especially for the most vulnerable our fellow citizens “.

Source: politis.com.cy

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