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Monday, September 16, 2024

19th Europa Donna Cyprus March

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AstroBank strategic partner of the march for the 14th year

19η ΠορεΙα Europa Donna Κyπρου

In a press conference held today, September 21, it was announced that the March with the Pink Figures of Europa Donna Cyprus will take place on the afternoon of Saturday, October 7 in Nicosia, and that this year will send the message that every person with cancer experience he has the right to live without discrimination. The March is held under the auspices of the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakidos.

On Saturday October 7, we will join our voices to vigorously claim the legalization of the Right to be Forgotten, supporting all our fellow human beings with cancer experience, who have the right to move forward with their lives, without discrimination, having access to insurance coverage and financial facilities. This is the message of this year's Europa Donna Cyprus march, the largest event of support for breast cancer patients.

The starting point of this year's march is the upper part of Liberty Square. The march will start at 17:00 and will head from Liberty Square in Nicosia to the headquarters of AstroBank, which is also the Strategic Partner of the March.

During the press conference, the President of the Board of Directors of Europa Donna Cyprus, Mary Perdiou, stated that “2023/2024 finds Europa Donna in front of many claims for comprehensive, correct and specialized services for the women who need them”. He emphasized that in this year's course “we will claim the right of all cancer patients to secure insurance contracts that can easily and without taking into account their medical history be assigned to secure financial facilities some years after their treatment. After our March last year, the insurance companies were willing to commit to a life insurance plan that was granted for a loan of 200,000 euros to buy a house, 10 years after the treatment of cancer patients and 5 if they were ill before the age of 18” . Now, we are moving forward with the goal of legalization. Ms. Perdio did not fail to thank AstroBank for generously funding these campaigns. “It's not just the funding, it's that with the people of AstroBank, the management and all its employees, we have become a fist and we stand with love and solidarity for the best for cancer patients and their families,” he said. He also warmly thanked Delema McCann Cyprus, “the tireless fellow traveler who helps us make our voices heard and achieve our demands”.

19η ΠορεΙα Europa Donna Κyπρ&omicron ;υ

In his greeting, the Executive Director of Europa Donna Cyprus, Marios Charalambidis, emphasized the great importance of the March, as the biggest action of Europa Donna Cyprus, in turn warmly thanking the strategic partner of the March for 14 years, AstroBank, Delema McCann of Cyprus who was with us from the first moment, but also all the supporters without exception, for their contribution and support to the March. As he noted, the March, in addition to informing and raising awareness among the public, is at the same time a leading action for dynamic claims. Mr. Charalambidis mentioned that we will walk this year holding figures symbolizing the new cases of cancer for the year 2022, namely 708 figures for the new cases of breast cancer in women, 3 blue figures for the new cases of breast cancer in men, 184 turquoise figures for new gynecological cancer cases and 217 white figures for new death cases of which 149 relate to breast cancer and 68 to gynecological cancer. Our thoughts, he said, are with the people who have been diagnosed and are currently fighting their own battle, but also with the people who unfortunately did not make it. But we walk, as he pointed out, for the people who have recovered, claiming social justice, but also for the whole world, claiming equal access to correct information, prevention, early diagnosis and optimal treatment. Mr. Charalambidis expressed special thanks to the tireless team of Europa Donna Cyprus, for their great dedication to the work we do, ensuring the best possible support for patients, through the operation of our programs, with the kind sponsorship of OPAP Cyprus, at 4 Our homes.

In his statements, the CEO of AstroBank, Aristides Vourakis, said: “This year, AstroBank hopefully completes 14 years of partnership with Europa Donna Cyprus, during which a lot has changed. However, our will to stand practically next to Europa Donna Cyprus remains firm. In every possible way we march together for the common good and to ensure a better quality of life for patients.” Mr. Vourakis referred to the close relationship between the two Organizations, stressing that this relationship has now gone beyond narrow professional boundaries, creating strong bonds of friendship and mutual respect. He declared AstroBank's undivided support for Europa Donna Cyprus and this year's claim for the legal establishment of the Right to Oblivion, an effort that, as he mentioned, started last year and is now in the final stages of its implementation. As AstroBank, he emphasized, we support this request and will continue until this effort bears fruit. every person with cancer experience, the legal enshrinement of the Right to be Forgotten.

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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