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Monday, June 3, 2024

They were seen leaving a house that had been burgled- Arrest of two persons

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Τους ελδαν να &beta ;γαλνουν από κατοικλα που ελχε δια ρρηχθεi- Σyλληψη δyο προσoπων

Around 7:45 this morning, information was received regarding two persons who were leaving a house that was not theirs in a village in the district of Paphos and were loading items into their car.

Members of the Police went to the scene. where during the examinations, it was established that the specific residence had been broken into, while various samples were taken from the site for further scientific examinations.

As part of the investigation of the case, members of the Paphos TAE stopped a specific vehicle for control, in which a 58-year-old woman and a 35-year-old woman, both residents of the Paphos district, were riding.

The above were arrested as fine warrants were pending against them and then during the search of the car, a plastic container was found containing 9 nylon packages with a white crystalline substance that looks like methamphetamine, with a total weight of approximately 4.5 grams as well as other 8 nylon packages containing a white crystalline substance similar to methamphetamine, with a total weight of approximately 2.5 grams.

Also, in the possession of the 58-year-old, an amount of money was found in her purse as well as 17 nylon packages containing a white crystalline substance that looks like methamphetamine, with a total weight of about 7 grams.

A search followed at the 58-year-old's house in the presence of the 35-year-old whom she hosts from time to time, where a precision scale was found on which there were traces of a white powder that looks like methamphetamine.< /p>

Also found were eleven paintings, nine mobile phones, electronic screens and calculators, a computer tower, various electronic devices, eleven pairs of sunglasses, as well as two military rifle cartridges.

The above persons were re-arrested based on court warrants and taken into custody while the Paphos Police Department in cooperation with YKAN (Klimakio Paphos) continue the examinations.

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Source: www.sigmalive.com

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