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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Spain: Reintroduction of mandatory mask use – Influenza and covid outbreak

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ΙσπανΙα: Επαν αφορà της υποχρεωτικorς χρorσης μà&sigma ;κας – Eξαρση γρiπης και covid

H Spanish Health Minister Monica García announced today that the use of a protective mask in hospitals and other health structures will become mandatory throughout the country from today, as the country faces an outbreak of flu and Covid-19 infections.

< "What we have to do is to protect the most vulnerable people," the minister told reporters. "It's common sense."

The Ministry of Health has mandated the use of masks in hospitals and health centers and recommended the use of masks in private clinics, pharmacies and other medical facilities, such as dental offices.

Several Spanish regions had already last week ordered patients, visitors and hospital staff to wear masks. The central government proposed on Monday to extend the measure nationwide.

Regions will be able to lift the measure if the number of infections falls for two weeks.

Spain was one of the last countries in Europe to abolish the mandatory use of masks as part of the measures against the Covid-19 pandemic. The use of masks on public transport was mandatory until February 2023, while in health facilities and pharmacies it was mandatory until July.

Source: 24h.com.cy

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