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Kyprianos Louis retires after ten years at the Ministry of Education

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Αφυπηρετεμ ετΑ απο δΕκα χρονια στο ΥπουργεΙο Π αιδεΙας ο Κυπριανoς Λοyης

After ten years in the Ministry of Education, the Director of Secondary Education, Kyprianos Louis, is retiring, with the authorities having already announced his position.

Dr. Louis is expected to retire on April 1, which is a public holiday, meaning his last day on duty is March 29. His position is expected to be filled when a suitable candidate is found by the EDY, which has announced the position since last December. Until then, there will be a deputy from the Directorate of the Ministry.

Kiprianos Louis leaves behind an important work for Secondary Education, as for ten years he has left his mark on several achievements, among them the new system assessment of students, as well as changes in curricula.

Mr. Louis always kept a low profile, while in his public statements, both in Parliament and in statements, he seemed well-read and knowledgeable about his subject. In fact, Mr. Louis enjoys the appreciation of the educational world, who characterize him as a remarkable educator.

Source: reporter.com.cy

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