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Global Anger at Moscow Massacre: International Reactions to Terror Attack

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International reactions were caused by the deadly terrorist attack that occurred on Friday in Moscow.

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, offered her condolences to the victims and their families of the shooting attack earlier today at the Crocus City Hall concert center near Moscow. Everyone involved in this crime must be found and brought to justice, Navalnaya wrote on her X social media account.


EU expresses shock and dismay at reports of terrorist attack. Posting on social media “X”, EU foreign policy representative Peter Stano says: “The EU is shocked and appalled by reports of terrorist attack on Moscow's Crocus City Hall concert venue. The EU condemns all attacks against civilians. Our thoughts are with all those Russian citizens who have been affected.”


France denounced the “heinous acts” and called for more light to be shed on the attack on a concert hall in the suburbs of Moscow. “The images reaching us from Moscow are appalling,”, the French Foreign Ministry responded in a message posted on social media X. “Our thoughts are with the victims and the injured and with the Russian people”.


The German Foreign Ministry expressed its condolences to the families of the victims of the bloody attack and asked for the situation to be clarified as soon as possible. “The images of the horrific attack on innocent people at Crocus City Hall near Moscow are horrifying. Conditions should be clarified quickly. We express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims”, says the post on the account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the “X” platform.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni condemned the attack and expressed her solidarity with the families of the victims. In a statement she added: “The horror of the massacre of civilians, innocent citizens in Moscow, is unacceptable. The Italian government condemns in an absolute and clear manner this barbaric act of terrorism. I express my full solidarity with the victims and their relatives.”


Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his “condolences” to his Russian counterpart. China strongly condemns the terrorist attack and strongly supports the Russian government's efforts to maintain security and stability in Russia, Xi Jinping said, according to China's official Xinhua news agency.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also condemned the “heinous terrorist attack”. “We strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attack committed in Moscow,”, Modi said in a post on social media X. “India expresses its solidarity with the government and people of the Russian Federation this a moment of mourning”, added the Indian Prime Minister.


Source: 24h.com.cy

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