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Monday, June 17, 2024

Public sector promotions in two ways in 2024

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    Προαγωγες δημ&omicron ;σο δοο το <blockquote=< p>Public sector promotions in two ways in 2024 – After the intervention of the Legal Service – EDY, Ministry of Finance and all trade unions agreed with the proposed law

    The changespromoted by the Finance Committee in the promotions for 2024 and 2025, based on which a reduced weighting will be given in the evaluation of civil servants for these years, they should not affect the promotion positions for which proposals have already been submitted to the EDY, the spokeswoman for the Legal Service said at the Commission meeting on Monday.

    Therefore, in 2024 the promotions will be done in two ways: for those who have already submitted, it will be done with a weight of 45% in the 2023 evaluations, while for the rest it will be done with a weight of 15% in the evaluations.

    It is recalled that with the proposal of the MPs DIKO, EDEK and DIPA, it is proposed that the 2023 evaluation, made with the new evaluation system, have a reduced weight of 15% instead of the 45% provided for in the law for promotion purposes. Accordingly, in 2025 the weight of the assessment will rise to 30%, to return to what the legislation provides for in 2026.

    The above was proposed after heaps of complaints expressed by the civil servants and their trade unions for the implementation of their new evaluation system.

    During the meeting, EDY, Ministry of Finance and all the trade unions agreed with the proposed law.

    The President of EDY, George Papageorgiou, reiterated the Commission's agreement with the proposal, noting, however, concern not to transfer the units that will be removed from the assessment to the other criteria. He also stated that for 2024 proposals have already been submitted for 385 promotion positions. He noted that according to EDY regulations, these positions are checked based on the qualifications that existed on the day the promotion proposal was submitted, while they cannot be withdrawn and resubmitted.

    Accordingly, therepresentative of the Legal Service, Alexia Kalispera, said that there is no disagreement with the proposal, however expressing reservationsthat the matter concerns matters of public administration, for which the responsibility belongs to the executive power, while he added that the delay in filling the positions may have a financial burden, which may lead to a violation of the constitution. He emphasized, however, that the proposed law cannot affect procedures that have already begun and therefore they will be judged with a weight of 45% in the 2023 evaluation.

    The Director of the Administration and Personnel Department, Elena Azina said that, given the convergence of everyone that there should be variations in the new system, the Ministry of Finance is positive about the law proposal, despite the reservations expressed at the technocratic level in relation to the matter, hoping that they will not be jeopardized positions and there will be no legal issues.

    The trade unions of civil servants agreed with the proposed law, expressing reservations about the fact that in 2024 some will be based on 45% weighting and some with 15%, since the legislation will not be applied retroactively.

    The AKEL Member of Parliament, Andreas Kavkalias, in his intervention, noted that an approach is being attempted “to make an arrangement and whatever comes and whatever finds us”, noting that the approach from the executive branch is not serious. “There is a deep concern for us as to whether what we are going to do will not just solve the problem, it will cause more serious problems later,” he said, noting that there is no convincing position from the executive power and the Legal Service on the matter. “An effort is being made to regulate the issue now, to satisfy the reactions that have rightly been recorded, because we did not do our job properly, and we see and do,” he said.

    DIKO Member of Parliament, Chrysis Pantelidis, asked for the record that all trade unions support the proposed law, as, as he said, the Commission receives anonymous messages from workers who have a different opinion.

    O< strong> MP of DIPA, Alekos Tryfonidis, pointed out the agreement in principle with the proposed law of the government, the EDY, the Prosecutor's Office, and the trade unions. He expressed concern about the position of the Legal Service on the promotion proposals that have already been submitted, asking to find a way to solve the issue. of after the Committee meeting, referred to the reservation of the Legal Service for promotions already in progress, which should be assessed against existing legislation. “There is a legal issue that we expect to be clarified by the Legal Service,” he said.

    The Committee discussed also proposal of the DIKO, EDEK and DIPA groups for drawing up a separate list of candidates for interdepartmental promotion, after the evaluation in an examination center, in the case of interchangeable positions.

    EDY and Department of Administration and Personnel noted their opposition to the proposal, noting that an exception is created from the philosophy of interdepartmental promotion. On the contrary, PASYDY said that the proposal moves on the correct basis, as the institution of interchangeability receives a blow, since someone will not be motivated to move, he will stay to pay the specialized years of experience and the rest of the administrators will not be able to claim equally. “We are not asking for a universal exemption, but a separate list of candidates”, he noted.

    The President of the Committee, MP of DIKO , Christiana Erotokritou said that the consultation must continue.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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