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Monday, June 17, 2024

EASTER IN TERSEFANO this year will be different and you shouldn't miss it!

Must read

TΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ ΣΗΝ Τ ;ΕΡΕΟΥ θαελιι ;κο δει τσι /></p>
<p><strong>Easter in the village!</strong></p>
<p>Tersefanou wears her Easter clothes and the center of the village will smell of tradition, music, dance and traditional customs !</p>
<p>Therefore, if you have not arranged anything on Easter Monday, Tersefanou is waiting for you to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord in the best way.</p>
<p>The Community Council of the village invites you to the Square to enjoy a full program with traditional games, dances, Dj's and treats with the main ingredient being the loukoma!!!</p>
<p>Starting Time: 17:00 </p>
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Source: 24h.com.cy

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