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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Resurrection: The “Resurrection” of the “Great Lady” is Coming

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Positive developments and everything shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel…

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<p><em>By Theodoros Tsiolakis</em></p>
<p><strong>The Resurrection of Jesus Christ has come and the Resurrection of the Resurrection is approaching, as there is light at the end of the tunnel, both in the administrative part, but also in the financial part.</strong></p>
<p>First of all, what has been happening lately with “Antonis Papadopoulos” is something unique and something that expresses the fact that Anorthosis was, is and will be the “Grand Lady” of Cypriot football and will forever belong to her world, which never will not let the flame that “Ammochosto” carries with it go out.</p>
<p>And now we go to what at the given moment “burns” every Anorthosia and concerns the next day of the club and the football department. More specifically, as 24sports revealed to you, Christos Chatzistefanou is preparing a combination for the May 10th electoral assembly to claim the presidency. From then on, there will again be two administrations in Anorthosis, that of the association and that of the football company.</p>
<p>Anorthosis: Thoughts of Hatzistefanos for the presidency of the association, 24Sports & News</p>
<p>Regarding the football company, there is good news that will perhaps bring about the “Resurrection” of Anorthosis.</p>
<p>The latest that emerges from these contacts made between the group of celebrities is that they are in the final stretch to conclude the agreement between themselves and come forward, each one putting a certain amount for the group to immediately pass the criteria and not there will be sanctions.</p>
<p>This group consists of powerful people, who have the ability to contribute financially and gradually and smoothly lead the Restoration to the next day, without big words and promises.</p>
<p >Regarding the football company's plan, it foresees multi-shareholding, i.e. there will not be a major shareholder, but a group of people who will own a percentage of shares. Regarding the management of the company, there will be an executive president who will be accepted by the world and actions are already being taken to find the right one.</p>
<p>In fact, the week that will enter for Anorthosis will bring important developments in the administrative part of both the union with the election meeting on May 10, but also of the company with the contacts of the group that was drawn up showing that there will eventually be a positive outcome.</p>
<div class=Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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