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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Award of the Late Michalakis G. Leptos

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For his Offer to the Pancypriot Association of Land and Building Development Entrepreneurs

Βρβεση ΑεΙμησο&iota ;χαλκΓΛεπτοy

In a moving ceremony, the contribution of the late Michalis G. Leptos, founder of Leptos Estates, was recognized and honored with a special award for his dedication and contribution to the All Cyprus Association of Land and Building Development Entrepreneurs. The award was received by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, his sons, George M. Leptos and Pantelis M. Leptos, co-presidents of the Leptos Group, at the association's Gala Dinner held on May 8, 2024.

Michalakis G. Leptos, with his vision and leadership, guided the Leptos Group on a course of continuous development and innovation, contributing substantially to the development of the real estate market in Cyprus. His persistence in creating high-quality projects and his dedication to the development of the local community were recognized and honored by the business world and society.

The Leptos Group remains committed to maintaining the high standards established by Michalis C Leptos, continuing to contribute to the development and prosperity of Cyprus with innovative and sustainable projects. The Group will continue to develop based on the principles of quality, integrity and responsibility, honoring the legacy of its founder.

Michalis G. Lepto's award is a recognition of his significant contribution to the Cyprus real estate market and the invaluable legacy he left behind. The Leptos Group, under the leadership of his sons, George and Pantelis, will continue to promote the values ​​of its founder and contribute to the development and well-being of the community.

Βραβεση ΑεΙν&eta ;σουακΓπτο style= < iframe width='300px' height='500px' src='https://www.adstorebluebird.cy/api/banner/ServeBanner?zoneId=2734' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'>

Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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