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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Extension of the deadline for submitting applications for the Choreography Platform

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Παραταση προ&theta εσυοσσωντη ; Πλτφόρμα ΧογραφΙας /></p>
<p data-block-key=Until Monday, May 27, at 23:59, interested parties who did not manage to submit their applications for participation in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2024 will have website, the link has been taken down”.

Therefore, it is added, “the application deadline has been extended until Monday 27/5/2024 at 23 :59 for those interested who were not able to submit their applications before the link was deactivated”.

According to the announcement, the participation application form has been posted on website of the Deputy Ministry of Culture, under the theme “Department of Contemporary Culture”/”Institutions – Organizations/Choreography Platform Cyprus 2024”.

Applications must be submitted in electronic form only (as a pdf document) to the address [email protected].

The e-mail must be titled “Cyprus Choreography Platform 2024”.

As for the electronic links of previous works in youtube or vimeo format, these should be noted in the email, he concludes.

Source: reporter.com.cy

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