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Book blasts Trump: He wanted to attack China – Crazy, he was described as Pelosi and General Mili

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Book blasts Trump: He wanted to attack China - Crazy, he was described as Pelosi and General Mili

The top Pentagon official was so concerned about the mental state of Donald Trump towards the end of the Republican president's term that he secretly took steps to avoid war with China, according to a new book.

He called secretly

Chief of General Staff General Mark Milli secretly telephoned his Chinese counterpart to assure him that the United States was not going to attack China, say Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in the forthcoming book Peril days.

According to excerpts from the newspaper and broadcast on CNN, the general made his subordinates promise that they would not immediately obey a possible, extreme order of Trump, especially regarding the use of nuclear weapons, after his defeat in the presidential election of the 3rd. November by Democrat Joe Biden.

The US intelligence service had concluded that China was considering an imminent US attack, so the chief of staff called General Li Chuocheng twice: on October 30, just days before the US election, and on January 8, two days ago. after the attack of Trump supporters on the Capitol.

“General Lee, I want to assure you that the American state is stable and everything will be fine,” she told him, according to the book, which is based on the anonymous testimonies of about 200 US officials. “We will not attack you, nor will we conduct military operations against you,” he assured him.

“Unstable president”

The reason for the second phone call was partly the telephone communication that the general had with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who asked him what safeguards are in place to prevent an “unstable president” from launching a nuclear strike.

“He is mad. “You know he's crazy,” Pelosi reportedly said, with the general replying, “I agree with you on everything.”

Also, Mark Milli twice summoned the leadership of the general staff to say that if Trump ordered a nuclear strike, he should have been informed in advance.

Looking into their eyes, he asked all the officers who had gathered to confirm that they had understood correctly, added Woodward and Costa, according to whom it was an “oath”.

With the director of the CIA

Milli also called on CIA Director Gina Haspel and the head of the military intelligence service, General Paul Nakasone, to monitor any alien behavior on the part of Donald Trump.

“Some may believe that Milli exceeded his authority and took executive power,” the two journalists wrote. But he was convinced that he did what he could to “prevent a historic rupture in the international order, to avoid a war of attrition by China or others, and to refrain from using nuclear weapons.”

The general staff, when asked about the matter, refrained from making any comment.

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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Source: politis.com.cy

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