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Curtain throw special designs with those of October

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Curtain throw special designs with those of October

Insider / ΓΤΠ, Insider / ΚΥΠΕ

The decisions of the Minister of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance regarding the implementation of the Special Plans for dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 virus, for the period from October 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021, were published today in the Official Gazette of the Republic. that the period October 2021 is the last period of implementation of these Special Plans.

The Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance announced that the Decisions of the Minister of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance regarding the implementation of the Special Plans for dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 virus, for the period from October 1, 2021 until October 31, 2021. It is noted that the period October 2021 is the last period of implementation of these Special Plans.

Specifically, the Decisions concern the following Special Plans:

i. Special Plan for Hotel Units and Tourist Accommodations (Decision No. 154, KDP 431/2021),

ii. Special Plan of Economic Activities Related to the Tourism Industry or Economic Activities, which are affected by Tourism (Decision No. 155, KDP 432/2021),

iii. Special Plan for Companies of Certain Economic Activities (Decision No. 156, KDP 433/2021),

iv. Special Plan for Certain Categories of Independent Employees Decision (Decision No. 157, KDP 434/2021) and

v. Special Sickness Allowance for people who have been infected with the COVID 19 virus or if they have remained in a mandatory restriction (Decision No. 158, KDP 435/2021)

Applications for participation in the Special Plans of October 2021 as well as the templates of Certified Accountant Report that must be submitted electronically with specific applications will be posted on the special website www.coronavirus.mlsi.gov.cy on October 29, 2021.

All those who fall under the beneficiaries of the Special Plans must submit a new online application on the special website to receive the relevant allowance for the period of September, provided that they meet the terms and conditions.

The deadline for electronic submission of applications for participation in the Special Plans for the period from October 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021 is Monday, November 8, 2021 (midnight). Interested parties are invited to submit their application in a timely manner, as online applications will not be available for use after the above deadline and any requests for late applications will not be accepted.

In addition, the Groups of Companies wish that the Group companies, which are engaged in the same economic activity, be considered as a single application for participation of the Group in a Special Plan that is applied during the period from October 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021, They must submit a request through the form that will be posted on the website www.coronavirus.mlsi.gov.cy in order to obtain approval from the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance. The form should be sent, duly completed, to the email address [email protected]. It is pointed out that in case the Groups of Companies have already secured the approval of the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance for the submission of a single application, they do not need to submit a new application.

It is emphasized that in order for the payment of the Special Allowances to be possible, the appropriate Bank Account Statement that is mentioned in each application must be submitted, meaning that it has not already been submitted and confirmed.

Source: www.philenews.com

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