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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hadjipandella: And more relaxations if the hospitalizations remain constant for the next ten days

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We have increased cases but fortunately the hospitalizations are stable, said the Minister of Health Michalis Hadjipandella, noting at the same time that in the next ten days there will be more relaxations if the hospitalizations remain constant.

Speaking to reporters after the parade in Paphos, Mr. Hadjipandella said that we should see the hospitalizations at the moment and not the cases.

He added that if the hospitalizations remain stable as they are at the moment then, as he said, there will be more relaxations in the next ten days.

Asked about safe passes and the possibility of their abolition in other places, the Minister of Health noted that he will wait to hear the experts announce any relaxations.

Regarding the granting of the fourth tranche, Mr. Hadjipandella stated that the fourth tranche was approved by the Council of Ministers, an announcement will be issued on Sunday or Monday and estimated that its administration will begin in the coming days.

In the first phase he said, it will be administered to people over 70 years, who have passed five months after the administration of the third dose and some of our fellow citizens who have some other conditions.

Source: politis.com.cy

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