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New facts for the 9-year-old – Exhaustive investigation into the causes of death of the other two children in Patras

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Thorough inspection carried out by the Authorities to determine the causes of death of the other two children in Patras case which has shocked the Panhellenic.

The president of the forensic medicine company Grigoris Leon stated that there seems to be criminal activity in the first two deaths mechanism of lack of oxygen .

As for the 9-year-old , is revealed a photo from the monitor which recorded the heart rate, oxygen and other indicators while the child was in the Pediatric ICU and under the supervision of doctors everything was normal.

Unknown details about the circumstances of the 9-year-old's death and her 7-month-old sister were revealed in the testimony of the father of the girls , who will be evaluated by the judicial authorities.

In his testimony >, when asked if he saw the 9-year-old during her treatment, the father of three replied: “Of course I saw her… After the x-ray I left and went to the hospital after 1 to 2 days again, I do not remember exactly, in order to change the accused to go to her house to rest. It was the day the child was challenged. I stayed in the hospital from morning until noon. When the accused returned, I left the hospital because 2 people were not allowed to stay in the room due to covid. In the afternoon, the accused called me on my cell phone and typically told me that the child had stayed, run. I arrive at the hospital and there I see the doctors and nurses doing CARPA (ss first aid) to my child and finally they brought him back after 55 minutes, they intubated him and transferred him to the ICU of the Rio hospital, with Mr. Iliadis as an intensivist ” .

The 30-year-old spoke in detail about the deteriorating health and seizures of his eldest daughter and the state of his relationship with his estranged wife.

Source: politis.com.cy

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