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2.3% increase in Government employment in March – Reduction in permanent staff

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Government employment rose 2.3% year-on-year in March, driven solely by temporary staff.

According to the Statistics Office, employment in Government in March 2022 increased by 1,237 people (2.3%) compared to the corresponding month of 2021 and reached 53,881 people.

The number of permanent staff decreased by 652 people or 2.4%, from 26,730 to 26,078 people, while the number of temporary staff increased by 1,893 people or 10.7%, reaching 19,524 compared to 17,631 people in March 2021.

Compared to March 2021, there is an increase in all categories of staff, ie the Public Service (0.1%), the Educational Service (7.2%) and the Security Forces ( 1.4%).

There is a decrease in the permanent staff in all three categories, with the largest being presented to the staff of the Public Service, which corresponds to 3.0%. On the contrary, there is an increase in the temporary staff in all three categories with the staff of the Educational Service presenting the largest, which was 23.4%.

The Hourly Staff remains stable in relation with March 2021.

Compared to February 2022, there is an increase in the staff of the Public Service (0.2%) and the Educational Service (1.3% ) while there is a decrease in the staff of the Security Forces (-0.3%).

In the permanent staff there is a decrease in all three categories, with the largest being presented to the staff of the Public Service (-0.3%). In the temporary staff there is an increase in the staff of the Public Service (1.0%) and the Educational Service (3.2%) while there is a decrease in the staff of the Security Forces (-0.4%). The hourly wage is reduced (-0.2%) compared to February 2022.

Source: politis.com.cy

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