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Friday, June 28, 2024

Nikos Christodoulidis met with POED on education issues

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The independent candidate for the presidency of the Republic Nikos Christodoulidis, in the context of the second phase of the dialogue he has with the civil society, met with the executive secretariat of POED, according to a press release from 's political office.

It is reported that during the meeting an exchange of views took place on issues related to the challenges faced by public education, teachers and especially students, with particular emphasis on issues concerning special education, supporting children with immigrant biographies as well as children at risk of functional illiteracy.

Mr. Christodoulidis, developing his ideological and political framework, stated that education is a priority in its program, as it horizontally affects the whole spectrum of society and informed the members of the executive secretariat of the WTO about its priorities in relation to public education, but also Education in general.

Source: KYPE

Source: politis.com.cy

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