35.7 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The members of the POED Executive Board are elected on Thursday – Tomorrow filing of mandate from the outgoing Board of Directors Tomorrow Thursday, in Chorikoitia, at...

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Erhiurman is in Ankara for contacts with AKP and PLK

/blockquote> For a visit – surprise of the president of RTK, Tufan Erhiurmanand of the secretary of international relations, Fikri Toros...

The only involvement is humanitarian aid, say Kobos-Fisher. “Incomprehensible” threats

The only involvement is humanitarian aid in Gaza, say the Foreign Ministry and the US Ambassador – Threats against Cyprus incredibly...

Ministerial intervention for the Lebay Hotel

<img class="aligncenter" src="/media-library/2024/06/348de28e43738a6da7e28707e0715bac.jpg" alt=" Υπουργικor πα ρμασα τονοχεο the Minister of Transport Alexis Vafeadis in an effort to find a solution to the problem...

Arrest of a 27-year-old man for the fire in a rural area of ​​Aradippou

A 27-year-old man was arrested by the Police with the cause of the fire that occurred yesterday in a rural area of ​​Aradippou...

PtD: We are focused on the continuous support of our universities

The President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulidis, attended the graduation ceremony of Frederick University As State we are focused on the...


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The members of the POED Executive Board are elected on Thursday

The members of the POED Executive Board are elected on Thursday – Tomorrow filing of mandate from the outgoing Board of Directors Tomorrow Thursday, in Chorikoitia, at...

An ERT journalist was arrested for beating his partner

The woman, who is also a journalist, has a fractured face – The arrested person will be taken to the prosecutor tomorrow –...

New chapter for KIE-The confrontation between trade unions and OELMEK over staffing is transferred to the Parliament

A new chapter opens on the issue of State Training Institutes, with the teachers of OELMEK and the trade unions putting their demands...

Arrest warrants for Gerasimov and Shoigu from the International Criminal Court

Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov (FILE PHOTO) Gavriil Grigorov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File The International Criminal Court announced the issuance of...


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