The main issue in relation to the case of the enclosed city, is the state to take a position on this issue and guide the citizens, points out to the lawyer Achilleas Dimitriadis commenting on today's front page of the newspaper Politis about the concern of the Varosians for the possible opening of the Varosians. “All the creatures or not all the real estate committee,” he wondered, noting that no one is left out of the effort.
At the same time, he expressed the perception that the plan of Turkey and the “government” is to declassify the region from the military and thus to come under the control of the subordinate administration in Turkey, which in turn will open it, using the real estate committee, as criterion for who is the owner “. Mr. Dimitriadis emphasized that EVKAF has been preparing since 2005 by securing a declaratory decision from the “Famagusta provincial court” in the occupied territories, which in fact is considered the owner of most of Varos. “It is precisely this legally unfounded position that we want to prove before the European Court of Justice, in order to confirm at European level now that the Greek Cypriots are the owners of the property and not the EVKAF”, he notes meaningfully.
The change of attitude is strange
The lawyer even described as strange the fact that a policy for the legal position of the Republic before the ECtHR, which has been successfully pursued since 1989, is suddenly changing. He even referred to cases from the past such as Xenidi / Aresti where the issue of EVKAF was raised and “we won at this point”. Achilles Dimitriadis speaks of a political decision to change his position and wondered “what political decision was the change of the legal position of the Republic in the ECtHR, where he successfully supported the Cypriot applicants in the past, while suddenly in the case of Komas tou Gialos a turn was made, in The press said no, while in Varosi they said they would help “. He, of course, considers the help given by the Republic as insufficient and with a dose of humor states “a woman can not be a little pregnant. Either they will actually help the citizens or they will have to explain to the world why they are not helping.