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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Alert in Washington – Vials of blood sent to Republican National Committee offices

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Συναγερμoσ σ&tau ηνυσγτειαδ&iota αεσρεεεε ;πιροπorς Ρεμπλικνoν /></p>
<p class=The offices were blocked by the Washington police

< p>The headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Washington has been locked down since Wednesday morning, after unidentified people sent vials of blood into the building, three sources familiar with the situation told NBC News.

A group from the US Capitol Police, who specialize in hazardous materials, are on the scene.

Συναγερμoσ στη νυικ–ειανιδι μεαγεσειε&pi ιτοπorς ρεπολικννν /></p>
<p class=Fox News broadcast the case live

The suspicious package has been neutralized, Capitol Police told NBC News. But one of the sources familiar with the situation said the building is still on lockdown and the blood is being tested.

It is unclear if any suspects have been arrested.

What worries the US authorities are the offices of the Republican National Committee located opposite the office buildings of the House of Representatives.

source: in.gr

Source: 24h.com.cy

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