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Another 19 deaths and 1195 new cases of coronavirus in Greece today

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Another 19 deaths and 1195 new cases of coronavirus in Greece today

Today, 19 new coronavirus deaths were announced in Greece, with the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic reaching 5922 in total in the country.

At the same time, 1195 new cases of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were recorded, of which 2 were identified after checks at the country's gateways. The total number of cases is 162107, of which 51.9% are men. During the tracking it was found that 6010 (3.7%) are considered related to travel from abroad and 51438 (62.9%) are related to an already known case.

A total of 246 people are treated by intubation. Their median age is 70 years and 179 (72.8%) of those intubated are men. 86.6% of intubated patients have an underlying disease or are 70 years of age or older.

It is noted that the Infectious Diseases Committee is currently meeting in order to submit its proposals for new restrictive measures. The new measures are expected to be announced on Friday night.

Source: politis.com.cy

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