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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Argyridis: “Keep in mind Papastavrou's policy – Because I see different things on social media…”

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Invited to the Cytavision show “Goal n & # 8217; Roll “was Marios Argyridis on Sunday night.

The president of the Omonia union and member of the board of the greens spoke about the bad course of the team that left it out of the top six, the decisions that have to be made, whether there is a Berg issue and not only.

Analytically what he said:

“One thing we have to do is accept the realities. It is a fact that we are last year's champion and that we are not in the top six. To be in this position, some things did not work out as we expected. “

“We must always keep in mind in Omonia the policy of Mr. Papastavros who says that everyone is under constant evaluation, he stressed in his last intervention and decisions are made accordingly. In no case what the administration has shown us is that decisions are made in the heat of the moment. Decisions will be made when needed. It is the same management that led the team to first place last year and in the league last year so it is not that we are some others and now we will wonder how the team will react. “Some things did not work out as planned, some things we have to see again, some we tried to change in January, and we will see how we go.”

If they know what to do or if they are still looking for the reasons for the bad course: “We have definitely played 34 championship games and Europe so far. Plus cup matches. So the problems we had in the preparation with coronavirus and so on, then came the European ones, then collected injuries in the same places & # 8230; All this together does not seem to have given us what we wanted. If we compared all this with last year when we played Europe again, again we had coronavirus issues, we responded better (s.s. last year). Some options on the other, such as e.g. Atiewwen, they did not bring us what they should have brought us. Assad was missing, who last year I think scored eight goals, Atiemwen did not respond properly. And the absence of Kousoulos has cost us “.

On whether there is a Berg issue: “The same coach accepted that he has the responsibilities that belong to him. He said that we will discuss all this internally. We will not say it from here and attribute responsibilities and say how important the responsibilities of coach and players are. They will be discussed calmly, decisions will be made and the people will be informed. No, we did not decide on a specific day to discuss. “

For the cup: “Certainly the cup is the only goal we have left and we have to find a way to find motivation for everyone to work hard and respond, we have no other choice it is one way.”

His message to the world: “To apologize for the course of the team that is not based on the expectations of ours and the world. Omonia was and will be its world. He has withdrawn the No. 12 in honor of the world. People saved the union from financial problems. So we can not say anything about our world. All we have to do is respect and appreciate his support for the fact that more than 12,000 people gathered at Friday's game and disappointed them. “

About Papastavrou's conclusion: “We do not have any information, these as usual take time, it is a huge file, the Attorney General should be given time to analyze it and we expect that they will respond to to clear what PtD said and the stable of Augeia “.

” I want to say that in these moments and because I see various on social media all that is needed is unity in Omonia, for everyone to look ahead, to support the team, for us to make the right decisions, coach and players to do what they have to do and to give them the joys of winning the cup must ».

Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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