October 18 – 20, 2024, IDEA Innovation Center
Bank of Cyprus organizes the 5th BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 Application Development Marathon on innovative technologies of the financial industry (Fintech) on October 18-20, 2024 which will take place in person at the IDEA Innovation Center.
The BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 is open to developers, startups, professionals, students, as well as anyone interested in participating and actively contributing to the development of applications that promote innovative youth entrepreneurship and the development of fintech services and applications .
The objective of the BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 is to create innovative solutions around Fintech, up to the stage of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with the prospect of future development into full functional applications.
The Bank of Cyprus, through the upgraded open banking APIs (sandbox) and the SDK (Software Development kit), will provide the possibility of technological support for the groups' applications to integrate innovative features such as making payments, the development of transaction data utilization services in a safe manner.
For the teams that will be distinguished there will be significant monetary and other prizes, which you can see below:
- 1st prize €5,000
- 2nd prize €3,000
- 3rd prize €2,000
Additional €2000 for the best use of Jinius APIs.
Sign up for the BOC Fintech Hackathon: https://bochackathon. com/register/
The applications that the teams will develop can respond in an appropriate operational technological way to the following challenges, without these being binding:
- Generative AI & Language Models
- Digital Euro
- Digital Twins
- Building Information Models
- Conversational Banking
- Real Estate
Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss and develop their ideas with industry professionals.
BOC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 receives the additional support of supporters:
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More Info: https://bochackathon.com/
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