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By 2024 the digital wallet in Cyprus – How secure is it?

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Εντoς του 2024 το ψ ηφιακo πορτοφoλι στην Κyπρο – Πoσ&omicron ; ασφαλeς εiναι;

Suppose you have a mobile app through which you can travel, bank, go to the stadium, get your doctor's prescription, sign.

This is what the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy aims to implement by 2024, with the responsible Deputy Minister, Filippos Hatzizacharias indicating to SigmaLive that the aim is to make citizens' lives easier.


Asked about this, Mr. Hatzizacharia said that the effort is to create a corresponding application with the European Digital Identity. This identity card is used in several EU countries and around 60% of Europeans have access to it, with its use, however, remaining at low levels.

What it is trying to develop the Deputy Ministry

As the deputy minister notes, the national application will initially include, among other things, the digital form of the identity card and signature, and an electronic prescription from a doctor, while the later goal is to enrich it with the driver's license, fan card, etc.

The application will first be developed at the national level, based on the code that Cyprus will receive from the EU, in order to have interoperability and to be able to connect the national wallet with the European one. The purpose is for citizens to have their personal documents together, in order to make their daily life easier.

The timetable

During this period, according to Mr. Hatzizacharias, preliminary work is being done, while interest has been expressed by companies to participate in a bidding competition, in order to develop the application. The deputy minister's personal goal, as he indicated to SigmaLive, is to have this application available to citizens by the end of 2024.

How secure will the data be?

Responding to a related question, regarding the security of the data that will be included in the application and the reasonable concerns that may arise for citizens, the deputy minister said that the application will be developed based on opinions and advice from the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection, while the security will be enhanced with capabilities such as that of Face ID (facial recognition).

The ultimate goal, the deputy minister finally said, is to connect the national application with the European one at a later time, which, however, has not still clarify when it will be implemented. When this is done, Cypriot citizens will be able, among other things, to travel only with… their mobile phone.


Source: 24h.com.cy

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