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Sunday, June 16, 2024
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New Chairman of the Board of Alpha Bank Cyprus

Insider The Board of Directors of Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd announces the appointment of Mr. Michalis Kolakidis, a distinguished executive with a long...

Cyprus and the Investment Funds in the international focus

Insider Many participations in the 7th International Funds Summit which was organized on the two days of November 1 & 2. The conference...

Now your renovation is environmental!

Bank of Cyprus is actively seeking a shift to a green environment, contributing substantial actions to reduce energy consumption and providing you with...

The unions do not discuss surpluses in KEDIPES

Insider The issue of surplus staff in KEDIPES and Altamira is raised out of discussion by the PASEV PEO - OYK SEC unions....

Hellenic Bank: Active participation in Let's Do It, Cyprus!

The Volunteer Team of the Hellenic Bank actively participated in the actions of the "Let's Do It Cyprus" campaign, contributing to the cleaning...

The Minister of Justice met with EBE Nicosia

Insider / ΚΥΠΕ The strong need of the business world for immediate and rapid delivery of justice occupied today, among other things, the...

Research: Consumers reward responsible businesses

Insider The good and responsible behavior of businesses is rewarded by consumers, according to research by Pulse Market Research and Bank of Cyprus....

The KEDIPES Plan – Consultation with the staff did not “succeed”

Insider It did not approach the goals set by the KEDIPES management for the voluntary exit plan and is considering other scenarios to...

Extension of submission of participation in the Cyprus Export Award 2020

Insider / ΚΥΠΕ The Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) announce that the application...

Municipality of Limassol against illegal table seats

Insider / ΚΥΠΕ The Municipality of Limassol declares that it is ready to take measures against those who commit illegal acts by placing...

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