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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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President Anastasiadis: Readiness to participate in a substantive dialogue for the settlement of the Cyprus problem

The President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiadis, expressed his readiness to participate in a substantial dialogue for the settlement of the Cyprus problem....

The points for free Rapit test for Sunday, February 7th

Employees of companies / industries that are reactivated on February 8th will have to undergo a rapid antigen test by tomorrow, February 7th,...

The decision of the Nicosia Municipal Council for the demolition of the 4 listed buildings is a caress for the Archbishop

With 17 votes in favor and 9 against, the Municipal Council of Nicosia recently approved, at its meeting, a proposal that the construction...

Cyprus / Covid19: One death and 132 new cases from 36,863 tests – 0.36% positivity rate

The Ministry of Health announces that today, February 6, 2021: One person has died of COVID-19, bringing the total number of deaths to...

The European Citizens' Network announced cooperation with the Democratic Party

The European Citizens' Network (EDIPO) announced the start of cooperation with the Democratic Party (DI.PA.) and its President Mario Karoyan. In the relevant...

Kalymnos: Sanctuary closed indefinitely – The priest denies the coronavirus

The indefinite closure of the church of Agios Athanasios in Kalymnos was decided by the Metropolitan of Leros, Kalymnos and Astypalea Paisios, who...

On Monday, the school bus routes resume to serve the students

Cyprus Public Transport announced the resumption of specific school routes from Monday, February 8, which serve students of the 3rd Lyceum and students...

Dramatic appeal of the Police to drivers after the fatal accident in Paphos

The Paphos Police attributes the deadly traffic collision with the victim to 25-year-old Victor Paraskevopoulos, according to the Spokesman of the Paphos Police...

Cyprus, priorities of Slovenian Presidency and bilateral relations discussed Adamou – Slovenian Foreign Minister

Cyprus, Famagusta, bilateral relations and priorities of the Slovenian Presidency, in the second half of 2021, was on the agenda of the meeting...

Coronavirus treatment: Encouraging results for the experimental drug peginterferon-lambda

An experimental antiviral drug, peginterferon-lambda, has been shown in a Canadian clinical study to significantly accelerate recovery from Covid-19 symptoms in patients who...

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