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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Children of 10 and 12 years old stole a car in Ioannina and staged a rally

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Παιδιa 10 και 12 χ ρoνων εκλεψαν αυτοκiνητο στα Ιωàν νινα και εκαναν ραλι

Appetite for… adventures were had by two little kids aged just 12 and 10 years, who found a vehicle parked with the keys in the ignition in front of the house of its 71-year-old owner in Ioannina and did not hesitate to get in and start the… rally!

The phone calls from citizens who complained that a vehicle that is moving dangerously is being driven by minor children, fell like rain in Immediate Action, on Tuesday afternoon and the police officers of the DI.AS Team. who “combed” the city immediately located it in the lakeside area, where they immobilized it and brought the would-be rallyists to the department.

Their mothers, a 28-year-old and a 46-year-old Roma woman, also arrived there, who paid for their children's unprecedented disorder , as they were arrested and referred to the public prosecutor of Plimmeliodiki Ioannina with the case filed against them for neglecting the supervision of a minor.

SOURCE: Primo Thema

Source: 24h.com.cy

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