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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Christodoulidis responded to students. “Implementation of a vocational guidance institution from 6th grade” (video)

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Ο Χριστοδουλδ ης απàντησε σε φοιτητeς. «Εφαρμ&omicron ;γor θεσμού επαγγελματικού προσ ανατολισμού από Στ’ Δημοτικού» (video)

Nikos Christodoulidis answered questions from TEPAK students on Cut Radio

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The independent candidate for the presidency of the Republic Nikos Christodoulidis was today a guest on TEPAK's radio, Cut Radio and answered the questions of students< /strong>of the University, as well as the journalist Giorgos Michael.

Mr. Christodoulidis received questions, among others, about issues concerning education, housing, accuracy, immigration, the Cyprus issue, the economy and the labor market.

Expressing his satisfaction with the fact that a significant number of students are interested in the commons, he mentioned among other things in the proposals of his governing program for Education.

More specifically, he mentioned the implementation of the institution of vocational guidance from the 6th Primary School with the aim of the correct and targeted choice of direction of the students in based on their abilities, in the implementation of the institution of the Technical High School on the model of the Sports and Music High School, in the interconnection of education with the labor market and the economy through the involvement of all the productive forces of the country with the aim of development of the necessary skills of tomorrow.

Source: cyprustimes.com

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