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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cyprus: In the spotlight with different agendas

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& nbsp & nbspΑνδρέας Πιμπίσιης & nbsp; & nbsp;

Movements showing that the Cyprus issue is returning to the forefront, one year after the last substantial effort by the United Nations to resume talks in Geneva in April 2021. The effort to restart efforts is reminiscent of puzzles with scattered pieces, as each side approaches the discussion with a different agenda. The Greek Cypriot side proposes confidence-building measures, the Turkish Cypriot insists on a two-state solution, and the United Nations is discussing lifting the so-called isolation of Turkish Cypriots. & Nbsp;

The visits of Victoria Nulan, who will see the two leaders tomorrow morning, first President Anastasiadis and immediately after Ersin Tatar, and Miroslav Jenka, are considered helpful in this network. Victoria Nuland played a key role in pushing for the resumption of talks, it will be seen if she will try something similar on this trip. As for the UN Assistant Secretary General, Miroslav Jenka, who is coming to the island next week, his mission is considered much more important as – as the information states – he will discuss the issue of appointing a envoy to the Cyprus issue. An issue that has remained on the fridge since last September, following a failed attempt by Antonio Guterres in New York. the armament upgrade of Turkey

The Greek Cypriot side hopes that through these mobilizations will be given the opportunity to officially enter the table confidence-building measures and to discuss with a view to the resumption of negotiations. Turkish Cypriot publications (source Dialog/GTP) claim that they have already received the proposals of President Anastasiadis in the occupied territories. The forthcoming visits will show whether or not there is a prospect of discussing the measures proposed by the Greek Cypriot side, which aim on the one hand to pave the way for the resumption of negotiations but also to make moves that will bring the Turkish Cypriots in contact with the the rest of the world. & nbsp;

The side of the United Nations is also moving in this direction, as Colin Stewart in his contacts, in addition to the general ones, tries to record positions in relation to the “lifting of the isolation” of the Turkish Cypriots. A move that shows the direction that both the United Nations and the international community want to move in the near future. They obviously want to shed their weight on the issue of “lifting the isolation” as a lure to the Turkish side to attend the talks again. & Nbsp;

However, Ersin Tatar does not yet seem ready to act on this logic, that is, to discuss confidence-building measures aimed at “lifting the isolation” of the Turkish Cypriots. He maintains (source Vatan/GTP) that there can be no retreat from the proposal for a solution on the basis of two separate states in Cyprus. He claimed that the Turkish Cypriot side's effort is to find a just, lasting and lasting agreement on the island and to achieve calm in the Eastern Mediterranean. & Nbsp;

“This proposal was put on the table for the first time in Geneva. “We are determined for this proposal and we will not take a step back,” he said. Referring to the statements made by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoλουlu the day before yesterday, Tatar reminded that the Turkish minister said that his country would continue to protect the rights and interests of the “TRNC” and called on all stakeholders to discuss the Cypriot proposal. two-state solution in line with the realities on the ground in the context of changing circumstances. “

Meetings with parties

A series of meetings with parties and former leaders of the two communities are represented by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Colin Stewart. Yesterday morning he went up to the 5th floor of DIKO where he had a meeting with the president of the party, Nikola Papadopoulos (photo). According to a DIKO statement, “the focus of the discussion was the situation in Ukraine and the Cyprus issue, in the shadow of the Turkish unacceptable methods and the obstacles that Turkey poses in achieving progress and resolving the issue.” & Nbsp;

< In recent days, Colin Stewart has had meetings in the occupied territories with the People's Party and Kudret Ozersay, as well as former Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu.

Source: www.philenews.com

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