Dialogue with UNHCR for people in the dead zone said the Deputy Minister of Immigration in PtB – A formal meeting was held – He informed Mrs. Dimitriou about the important role of the new Deputy Minister
The Deputy Minister of Immigration Nikolas Ioannidis informed the Speaker of the Parliament Annita Dimitriou about the imminent start of structured dialogue with the representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, with the aim of solving the emerging issue of irregular immigrants in the buffer zone, says a statement from the Parliament.
Mr. Ioannidis had on Thursday formal meetingwith Mrs. Dimitriou and stated that facilities are provided to these persons, but the passage of flows from Turkey through the areas controlled by the Republic to the dead zone and from there to the free areas is not accepted.
‘As stated in the announcement, Mr. Ioannidis informed the Speaker of the Parliament about the important role of the new Deputy Ministry in effectively dealing with immigration, as well as for the organizational and administrative structuring it on the basis of the pre-existing structures in the Ministry of the Interior, namely the Immigration Department and the Asylum Service.
He also referred to the amendments promoted by the executive branch.in the existing legislative framework and in the filing of relevant bills in the Parliament, with the start of the new Session, with the aim of further speeding up the procedures for examining asylum applications and the immediate repatriation of non-eligible persons .
Ms Dimitriou assured the Deputy Ministerthat the Parliament, being fully aware of the whole situation and the multiple challenges that the Republic of Cyprus is facing, amid serious geopolitical developments in the region, will proceed within the framework of its powers, without delay in examining the legislative proposals that will be brought before it of the Parliament.
He also informed the Deputy Minister about the efforts he is making as President of the Parliament, in the context of parliamentary diplomacy, to achieve synergies between all the countries affected by the irregular flows of the Southern Mediterranean.< /p>
She referred in particular to the initiative she had, within the framework of the Conference of the Presidents of the Parliaments of the European Union (EU) member countries in Palma de Mallorca, on April 23, resulting in the first joint meeting of the Presidents/Vice-Presidents of Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Malta, with the participation of the European Parliament.
During the meeting a draft Joint Declaration was discussed, which was submitted on behalf of the Parliament in relation to the external dimension of the European migration policy as part of a common approach for effective management of asylum and migration and dealing with migration flows that are difficult for these countries, as host countries.
With the competent Deputy Minister, it was agreed to continue and maintain constant communication between the government and Parliament, with the aim of jointly addressing the major challenges that Cyprus, as a country hosting refugees and irregular immigrants, faces.