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Dinos Foinikarides assumed the duties of Director of KYPE

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 Ανελαβε καθorκ&omicron ;νταΔευνυΠΕΝτοσ Φοινικαρiδης

He is the author of the book, “Soccer: Sport of the People or the Party Elites?” which analyzes the relationship between politics and football

Dinos Foinikarides took over as Director of the Cyprus News Agency from May 7.

Mr. Foinikarides made his first steps in journalism as a sports editor in the newspaper “Proina Nea” in 1989.

From 1990 to 1992 he worked at the first private radio station, “Radio Super” and then switched to the sports department of “Logos” , the first private television station that operated in Cyprus.

He then worked at RIK (1993-1995) and ANT1 (1995-2001) as sports editor and later editor-in-chief of the sports department. In 2001 he returned to RIK where he worked in the sports department until 2014 and then in the News Department of RIK as a political editor and later editor-in-chief.

He also presented the midday news show “Apo Mera Se Mera” and other informative broadcasts on RIK radio and television.

He is the author of the book, “Soccer: Sport of the People or Party Elites?” which analyzes the relationship between politics and football.

He holds a BA in Journalism from Frederick University's School of Humanities, an MA in Sociology of Sport from the University of Leicester and an MA in Public Administration from European University of Nicosia.

Source: politis.com.cy

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