In patriarchal societies such as the Cypriot one, the phenomenon of “morbid masculinity” prevails, which cultivates that the boy, the man is superior to the girl or the woman and can manifest his power with phenomena that in their extreme manifestation reach sexual harassment or violence, physical, verbal or even psychological, said speaking on the show “Control Panel” of “POLITI 107.6” the associate professor at the psychology department of the University of Cyprus Panagiotis Stavrinidis.
Mr. Stavrinidis, noted that this perception is built little by little by society, starting from a young age, within the family itself with mottos such as “you are not a girl to cry” or others that state that the boy is stronger than the girl and reach the gender inequality maintained by the state because it serves the male-dominated political system.
In relation to the widespread allegations of sexual harassment and other forms of violence in the artistic and sports field, Mr. Stavrinidis said that it is found in the science of psychology in the phenomenon of the avalanche, while answering the question “why delayed?” said that post-violence victims are psychologically dominated by fear of what will happen if they make the incident known, guilt caused by the perpetrator in indirect and direct ways and shame for what they will be forced to say in public due to the nature of the harassment . Once these are addressed and when they find the strength, then the victims are ready to speak.
Listen to the whole discussion with the academic Panagiotis Stavrinidis on the show “Control Panel”: