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Employers are asking for help from the President for staff

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Employers are asking for help from the President for staff

Adamos Adamou

Employers' organizations are presenting to the President of the Republic the growing problem of the lack of human resources faced by companies, asking for solutions quickly and at the same time proposing concrete measures in this direction.

Specifically, the leaders of the CCCI and OEB in a joint letter to the PDT claim that the reopening of companies in the post-pandemic era brought back to the fore “in a sharper way the problem of lack of human resources in our country” and briefly describe the problem is currently facing the Cypriot business due to the observed shortcomings. “The situation that prevails today has reached the point of no return, while in many cases projects and developments have been suspended with all that entails. “With this we send a cry of despair to you for taking immediate measures to solve the problem”, state in their letter the employers' organizations that were sent to the Presidential Palace last Friday and signed by the president of KEVE Christodoulos Agastiniotis and the president of OEB Antonis Antonis.

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It states, among other things, that “under no circumstances should the lack of adequate human resources be an obstacle to the development of our economy” and in this context the two employers' organizations stress the need to modernize the employment strategy of foreigners, an issue that is already being discussed. within the Labor Advisory Board. In this regard, OEB and KEVE state that “the modernization of the employment framework for foreigners from third countries is imperative, as the existing foreign employment strategy was adopted in 2008, while the criteria for granting employment permits for foreigners in 1991 “Our country becomes a member of the EU without taking into account the high costs incurred by companies in complying with the European acquis and the great competition of companies at European level.” Therefore, they continue, “we demand the modernization of the employment framework for foreigners from third countries in order to be in line with the current reality and the development needs of the economy, taking into account technological developments, changes in working methods, emerging sectors of economic activity and the need to fill job vacancies, strengthening the efforts of companies and the State for economic growth and progress “.


Source: www.philenews.com

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