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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Foreign Minister: Cyprus opposes the secession and annexation of another country

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Asked to comment on the situation in Ukraine, Mr. Kasoulides pointed out that although at the moment it is not an invasion but a recognition of secession, he stressed that Cyprus' position “is linked to the case of Cyprus and derives precisely from the Cyprus case.”

“There is a question of secession. “We are opposed to secession and the recognition of secession,” he said, stressing that Cyprus supports Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and that it opposes the annexation of another country.

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Asked what he expects in relation to the measures that the EU is preparing against Russia, Mr. Kasoulides stated that there may be “a first package of restrictive measures which will be related to yesterday's events “, adding that” there may be a continuation in case there is a further deterioration with invasion of the country “.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs added that Cyprus supports diplomacy as the only way to resolve As well as the diplomatic efforts of France and Germany. “This is an area of ​​great interest to the whole world.

” I am particularly interested in issues related to Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Maritime Policy, and I will take part in the relevant discussions, “he added. .


Source: www.philenews.com

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