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George Giannopoulos: New criminal prosecution against the drummer for sexually abusing five underage girls

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Drummer George Giannopoulos enters new big court adventures , as he was prosecuted by the Athens Prosecutor's Office for crimes related to sexual abuse of five minor girls.

The new serious charge against the 69-year-old musician , who also had brief collaborations with the Pyx Lax band, comes just 24 hours before the start of his trial, next Monday, at the Mixed Jury Court of Appeal of Athens, for sexual acts against a girl just six years old. In the first instance, the musician was sentenced for this offense to 12 years suspended imprisonment.

In particular, George Giannopoulos is now being prosecuted by the Athens Court of First Instance for the offenses of sexual intercourse with minors under the age of 12 and those under the age of 12 once in a row and & # 8217; continuation, but also abuse of minors under 14 years of age once in a row and & # 8217; continuation. These new accusations against a 69-year-old musician concern five girls, who, according to the accusation, the well-known drummer sexually abused during the period from 2007-2013.

It should be noted that the accused allegedly committed the acts for which he is being prosecuted at his home, but mainly in two campsites in the prefecture of Ilia, where he was on holiday, as were some of the complainants. In fact, according to information, the musician was chased from one of the campsites, as its owners were informed about complaints against him.

The new criminal prosecution for sexual abuse against George Giannopoulos was formed after five new complaints were filed with the Athens Prosecutor's Office at the beginning of last March. These allegations were included in a joint indictment, which also triggered a criminal investigation. In fact, in the context of this investigation, it is alleged that other testimonies of women were reported that were reported to have been sexually abused, including those by the musician.

The complaints

“One day in the middle of the holidays, the defendant and I and some other little girls were playing in the sea. The defendant approached me and, making a joke & # 8220; about peeing in the sea & # 8221; minor.

Continuing her shocking description, the complainant also allegedly testified to the prosecutor's office: “At that moment I was upset, I felt embarrassed without understanding the reason as I could not understand why someone would catch you at that point. After the incident I found an occasion to get out of the sea and since then I started to avoid it. The following year, in the first fortnight of the month, the defendant was there again, at the same spot. I saw him continue to approach the children of the vacationers and allegedly “play” with them. What he did to me shook me. That is why I come forward and testify what happened so that no other girl falls victim to him, now fully aware that what he suffered from this man is a serious crime… “.

Another woman who has reported the drummer had described to the Prosecutor's Office: “My family knew the defendant for years, as he was a neighbor (…) When the new school year started I went twice to a child psychologist to help me. Many times he would come to pick up his daughters from school and my biggest fear was that he might tell me to take him with me and turn me around, because we lived close by. My parents would not let me go home again and my mother always told me not to go outside either. That summer I also hosted (…) who was then living abroad and came and stayed with us every summer “.

Then the same woman had testified how the musician suggested they play a video game on the computer and while all the girls were looking at the computer screen he “took the opportunity to put his hand through my underwear and started rubbing the his fingers in my vagina, between my legs “. “I tried to get up at that moment” – the complainant states – “but he grabbed me by the arms and pulled me on his whip and continued to caress and rub me on that spot”.

For these allegations against the musician, a criminal investigation was immediately carried out, which resulted in a criminal prosecution against him. On the contrary, the prosecutor's office issued a rejection order for the complaints of three women, due to the statute of limitations for the reported offenses, which had a time of perpetration in August 2003 and August 2005. The case file is now forwarded to an investigator, for main investigation, to in which George Giannopoulos will be called to apologize.

His trial is set to begin on Monday. against a 6-year-old girl, during the period from September 2011 to May 2013.

According to the first instance court decision revealed by the “First Issue”, the child had repetition done north on the drummer's sick sexual appetites. Everything happened in the yard of the musician's house in Oropos, which was located a few meters away from the house where the little girl's family lived. There, according to the testimonies, the accused was committing indecent acts, putting the minor sitting on his knees, to allegedly show them movies. In front of him was a table with a long tablecloth and behind it the child began to experience the horror of sexual abuse, at the age of only six.

Source: politis.com.cy

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