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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Goods – Ripple effects from increase in fees on ships

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How the Red Sea conflict is affecting ship routes

Εμπορεyματα - Αλυσιδωτσ ε&pi ;ιπτoσεις απo την αyξηση τελoν στα πλολα

Increased fees are expected in the coming days on containers that will arrive in Cyprus due to the change of route they take to reach Cyprus, then and the conflicts that are happening in the Red Sea and in the surrounding area in general, which is expected to have a chain effect on goods as well.

Speaking on the Dispersion of News program, the General Secretary of the KEBE, Marios Tsiakkis, noted that the fees of containers will be doubled as our own cargoes are affected by the route.

“Ships that started from China, went through the Suez Canal, went through Cyprus, unloaded and continued on their way. Now they have to make the round of Africa and reach the edge of Europe, cross the Straits of Gibraltar, reach Cyprus or Piraeus, unload and make the round back”, Mr. Tsiakkis noted the big difference in route of ships.

Some of the products affected by the change of route are electrical and electronic items, furniture, clothes, shoes, cars and consumer products, while according to the General Secretary of the KEBE, they will certainly there will be delays as they will now take more than 10-15 days to arrive.

Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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