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Greece: Vaccineer deliberately stuck Covid19 on the certificate, passed it on to his mother and she died

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Greece: Vaccineer deliberately stuck Covid19 on the certificate, passed it on to his mother and she died

Another family tragedy took place in Thessaloniki by a citizen who was vaccinated , who wanted to catch a coronavirus to get the disease certificate , but he also stuck his partially vaccinated elderly mother, resulting in her death. The incident comes to light after a relative complained to Voria.gr. According to the complaint, a middle-aged man declared a vaccine in Thessaloniki wanted to receive a certificate of illness, so that he did not have to get the vaccine, and deliberately did not adhere to the measures to combat the spread of the new coronavirus . As a result, the man contracted the coronavirus about a month ago and unknowingly transmitted the virus to his partially vaccinated elderly mother. It is noted that the man believed that the new coronavirus is a simple flu.

According to the complaint, the old woman had delayed her vaccination as she was afraid of complications and had been influenced by the ambiguous views of those around her. The elderly woman chose to be vaccinated after the restrictions were imposed on the entrance to closed spaces for the unvaccinated, as well as after the encouragement of her family circle.

The elderly woman had only managed to get the first dose of the vaccine and then came in contact with her son, who was infected with the coronavirus but did not know it yet, without wearing a mask. The elderly boy's anti-vaccine son showed symptoms after meeting his mother, while the elderly woman showed symptoms of Covid-19 infection a few days later.

According to the complaint brought to light by Voria.gr, the anti-vaccine son allegedly consulted a doctor from Volos throughout the duration of his illness. He allegedly told him that the vaccinated people transmitted the coronavirus and not the unvaccinated ones, as the former had a high viral load, and prevented him and the vaccinator's mother from visiting the hospital, even when they had severe shortness of breath. and needed oxygen. The doctor from Volos reportedly advised them to have an oxygen machine at home, but not to visit the hospital, even when the saturation dropped below 90.

The elderly woman was rushed to a hospital in Thessaloniki, when her oxygen saturation dropped to 75, and she was diagnosed with acute pneumonia. Unfortunately, a few days later the elderly woman ended up with complications of the coronavirus, while her son continues to have serious problems with his lungs, as a result of which he needs oxygen on a daily basis.

Source: politis.com.cy

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