Christos Mastoras and Garifalia Kalifoni, who recently celebrated their 2nd anniversary .
Their relationship began on August 1, 2022, however for some time the two did not confirm it. “On February 25, 2020, I went to an event where the “Bees” sang. I had a relationship and so did he. When I saw him then it clicked for me. I said what a nice boy, something happened in my mind”, the model has said.
The two, writes, are also spending this summer together and recently their posts on social media are particularly dense. Christos Mastoras, in a recent post on Instagram, shows us in a new snapshot, while they are enjoying their boat ride in the sea.
Garyfallia Kalifoni is sunbathing and Christos Mastoras is standing in front of her, to take a selfie. “The chicken” it says in the caption!
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