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How innovation and technology contribute to sustainable development

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Πoς η καινοτο&mu ;λα και η τεχνολογλα συμβαλλουν σ&tau ;η βιoσιμη ανàπτυξη

In recent years, climate change has emerged as one of the biggest issues facing the planet, with governments engaged in a race against time to win this bet. Sustainability, green economy, sustainable development that takes into account the protection of the environment, now monopolize the discussions, at the investment level. The EU promotes, through its Agenda for Sustainable Development, such policies, based on the harmonious coexistence and interaction of man with the environment, without one being a brake on the development of the other.

Cyprus, however, as demonstrated by the relevant reports of the European Commission, has a low performance in terms of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the EU. As a result, the dominant view is that any development effort moves against the environment from the start. But now, according to the experts, technology and innovation in materials allow developments that not only do not damage the environment, but on the contrary can work beneficially in its preservation, since development no longer necessarily means cementing large areas.

Main pillar is sustainable development

Welcoming a workshop recently organized by her office on coastal developments, the Commissioner for the Environment, Mrs. Maria Panagiotou, stated, among other things, that “a deep knowledge and understanding of local ecosystems is required, correct, methodical and considered planning, but also a new dimension set by innovation and technology in the service of sustainability, the integration and use in any developments of sustainable building materials that harmonize with the surrounding area”. For his part, the Professor of the National Technical University of Athens, Dr. Dimitris Melissas, who was the keynote speaker at the conference in question, in his related article in the press emphasizes that the cornerstone of this effort is planning, which consists in the obligation of prior planning in all areas of the environment and spatial planning. Speaking on the state channel, he emphasized that there can be no economic development without sustainable development, with the demarcation of protected and coastal areas with up-to-date land use plans being an important factor and determining parameter for any decisions and measures that will be implemented, as the use of a development is the one that largely determines the benefit or damage to the environment.

Innovation provides the solution

The horizontal imposition of measures, which sometimes contradict the environmental objectives that have been set, has often been called into question. In a country like Cyprus, where investments and development are a key pillar of upgrading the economy, the demonization or horizontal prohibition of developments in coastal areas is troubling the respective local bodies, as to the correctness and effectiveness of such approaches.

Modern architecture offers solutions, such as bioclimatic buildings that are friendly to the environment, which can be used for sustainable development. How we build, in terms of building materials, is also particularly important, as new technologies and innovation make it possible to use materials that reduce the impact on the environment and at the same time strengthen the circular economy. In this context, modern architects recommend the use of developments that foresee high buildings and vertical developments, with environmentally friendly materials, as this increases the outdoor green spaces and common use and utility areas, compared to the lower buildings which occupy a larger piece of land and in many cases completely block access and visual contact with the beach. It may be that until today in Cyprus the logic of anarchic development and cementing has prevailed, however, there are alternative options which should not be sacrificed on the altar of the mistakes of the past.

The state and relevant agencies hold the key and through the review of existing policies, regulatory frameworks, urban planning constraints and incentives, they can unlock the path to sustainable development and prosperity. Thus, we may be able to prevent phenomena observed in the recent past, with local bodies and organized groups taking to the streets, claiming their right to sustainable and balanced development, as happened in the summer, with the protests of residents of the province of Famagusta. The basic argument of these bodies is that development and the environment can coexist and that the competent state agencies should find those mechanisms, practices and methods, so that development is done in a targeted manner, on the basis of a specific regulatory framework and at the same time is consistent with preserving context, as one should not horizontally block the other.

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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