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In Lofos they talk, in Pindarou they hide

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& Sigma; & tau; & omicron; & nu; & Lambda; ό & phi; & omicron; & sigma; & upsilon & et; ; & tau; & omicron; ύ & nu ;, & sigma; & tau; & eta; & nu; & Pi; & iota; & nu; & delta; ά & rho; & omicron; & upsilon; & kappa; & rho; ύ & beta; & omicron; & upsilon; & nu;

< i style = 'color: black' class = 'fa fa-user' aria-hidden = 'true'> & nbsp & nbspΑνδρέας Πιμπίσιης & nbsp; & nbsp;

Nikos Anastasiadis is one of the politicians who hardly keeps his mouth shut and through the statements and answers he gives he can easily see what is going on behind the scenes. Unlike Averof Neophytou who takes care to filter well before taking anything out. And moving in a different political direction, they left an empty gap in the middle and somewhere there, the reflection and consequently the problem that exists in the government camp in relation to the forthcoming presidential elections was seen. & Nbsp;

Polls & nbsp; may have magically disappeared from the face of the earth in recent months, but measurements are being made. And the measurements record the trends within the electorate which so far do not seem to differ much. It is noteworthy that the current “secret measurements” do not seem to deviate significantly from the latest polls published last fall. On the contrary, they seem to be consolidating a state of affairs. & Nbsp;

In one of the discussions, of a closed circle, that took place on the Hill, this concern came down. And mainly the problem that exists at the base of the Democratic Alarm was recorded. And somewhere there it seems that Nikos Anastasiadis came back with a proposal that he had discussed weeks before with Nikos Christodoulidis. Nikos Anastasiadis's position is more or less in line with what he said in his last interview with Alpha last Monday: how much is required due to collaborations to have a retreat “.

SEE ALSO: & nbsp;

PD for presidential: I support Averoff – DISY has a candidate and will unite Between Averof-Christodoulidis, the party is chosen by the PD They write and erase names for presidential elections “Averoff to the end” – There is no plan B The background ignites: Nikolas saw Christodoulidis

And this is not the first time that Nikos Anastasiadis says this. He said on several occasions, during private meetings, that if Averof Neophytou realizes that there is a problem with his candidacy, then “with perseverance and a political crisis of an increased degree” he will make other moves. Looking for a Plan B, another option. & Nbsp;

That is why in the large gathering convened by DISY and current and former ministers, MPs, mayors and others were invited, Averof Neophytou wanted to pass the message that nothing other than his own candidacy is being discussed. The message that came out of the closed session was clear, that there is no Plan B. That is why all the reports that followed the meeting on February 12 made sure to pass the position that Pindarou wanted, that is, that there is no Plan B. & nbsp;

On February 21, Nikos Anastasiadis said the following publicly: “This is a matter for the collective organs of the party and the President himself. Mr. Neophytou is a politician with insight, political crisis of an increased degree, they will decide, if and to what extent it is required due to collaborations to have a retreat. If, for example, it is stated as stated by AKEL that you know the presidents of the party should be excluded from a possible cooperation. In such a case, it is up to the party's collective bodies to decide. But at the moment, what I know is that the faction has a candidate and that is Averof Neophytou “. & Nbsp;

In contrast to the atmosphere that was going to be created in the previous days by the alarm leadership, Nikos Anastasiadis in a very clear way maintains that there is a Plan B and throws the ball to the collective organs of DISY to pay attention to it. He considers that a withdrawal can be justified if it is “required due to collaborations” and he has no problem invoking AKEL, which had put in its dialogue with other parties the condition for the expulsion of the leaders. & nbsp; He repeats something he has said several times in recent times, citing Mr. Neophytos' perspicacity regarding eligibility.

What is Plan B

The meeting on the Hill and the reports about an alternative plan, following the model of AKEL's moves – as mentioned by Nikos Anastasiadis – seem to have taken place in terms of Pindaros's moves. And contrary to the image that was attempted to be created in the sphere of public debate, behind the scenes movements began to take place and to fire forces of the intermediate space with other names. And names like the Minister of Labor Zeta Aimilianidou, the former Minister of Health, Konstantinos Ioannou, the mayor of Nicosia, Konstantinos Giorkatzis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ioannis Kasoulidis, were also included. Names that could be a joint candidate between the Democratic Alarm and the Democratic Party, possibly other forces that will join along the way. & Nbsp;

As people from the government camp characteristically noted, these specific movements have a clear orientation: Neither Averoff nor Christodoulidis. The alarm circles insist that Averof Neophytou is not going to back down, but even in the unlikely event that he will decide something similar, he will not in any case do it for the sake of Christodoulidis. & nbsp;

On the other hand, there are concerns between government and party officials who are watching the developments and hearing about proposals for other options and prospects for cooperation. They note that at the meeting on February 12, the alarm leadership had reported on two Trojan horses: Nikos Christodoulidis who is trying to disrupt the faction through DIKO and George Pamporidis with AKEL. Because then there was still the issue of a possible candidacy of G. Pamporidis with the support of AKEL. If the alarm leadership is afraid of interference either from the center or from the left, then what are the messages for possible collaborations with another candidacy. & Nbsp;

The big question is the behavior of the Democratic Alarm base, which according to the “secret measurements” does not seem to be as loyal to its leadership as many expected. Nikos Anastasiadis and the alarmist leadership state with certainty that after March 12, when the candidacy of Averof Neophytou is expected to be ratified by the Supreme Council, the data will change. They estimate that, as in the past, the alarmists “will come close” because they always keep a distance one year before the elections. This distance, of course, may not only have to do with waiting for the formalization of DISY's decision, but it may also be due to the fact that they expect to hear about other possible candidacies. & Nbsp;

Developments will begin to run

On the side of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, they are waiting for the decisions of DISY and the official announcement of the candidacy of Averof Neophytos. If & nbsp; the meeting of the Supreme Council of DISY takes place on March 12 and the issue of Averof Neophytou's candidacy is closed, then developments on the side of Nikos Christodoulidis will start running. & Nbsp;

They will be received within the second fortnight of March the final decisions and the relevant announcements will be made. The margins are now pressing for the former minister who will have to proceed with the announcement of his own candidacy. He knows very well that he can not let go of the momentum he maintains in a wide mass of citizens from all political areas. The fact that he receives dozens of invitations every day from different directions is for the same supporter, in terms of the effort he will make as a candidate. & Nbsp;

Source: www.philenews.com

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