Applications submitted by September 30, 2023 will receive the full grant for the entire month of September
For the fourth day in a row, the special online platform for the submission of the application for their participation in the Scheme is available to parents of children entitled to the Tuition Subsidy and Child Feeding Scheme in a nursery/kindergarten.
“Already in the first three days of operation of the online platform, 5,000 applications from eligible children have been submitted and approved”, said the senior officer of Welfare Benefits Management, Fanos Kouroufexis, to SPOR FM and the DIASPORA EIDISEON broadcast, characterizing this development as surprisingly good.
He also noted that each child's online application is considered to have been submitted for the purposes of the Scheme from the 1st day of the month in which it is submitted and therefore applications submitted by 30 September 2023 will receive the full subsidy for the entire September.
He also emphasized that applications can be submitted after September 30 and the grant will be approved with effect from the beginning of the month in which the application is submitted.
The application process for parents is simple and no evidence is required. A necessary condition for submitting an application is that the parents are beneficiaries of Child Benefit for 2023 and have registered the beneficiary child in advance in a nursery/kindergarten participating in the Scheme, and know the six-digit class/department identification number of the child will be given to them by the nursery school/kindergarten”, it states.
The submission of the application is only done by the parent who has become the beneficiary of the Child Benefit and for his access to the platform, he must necessarily either have create and confirm an active profile on the government portal or have carried out the corresponding procedure on the ARIADNI Portal.
Please note that applications are only submitted online, through the web portal or through of the YDEP website