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Israeli Foreign Minister in “F”: Expansion of collaborations

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Israeli Foreign Minister in

Andreas Pimpisis


Expanding bilateral and multilateral cooperation on a wide range of issues, including defense and energy, are the goals set by Israel and Cyprus in the near future. The next steps of the relations between the two countries are revealed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Yair Lapid, in an exclusive interview given to “Phileleftheros”.

The strategic partnership, as characterized by Jair Lapid, emerges through cooperation in matters of security, energy, emergency response, etc. Building on the results of recent bilateral and trilateral meetings (Cyprus, Israel and Greece), co-operation will continue in the field of defense.

SEE ALSO: Oren Anolik: Israel is able to help Cyprus

The expansion of the cooperation between Israel and neighboring countries is considered to be a support for the efforts made by the two countries, something that “will lead to bigger markets for the Cypriot companies”. The Israeli Foreign Minister clarifies that the improvement of his country's relations with neighboring countries does not work to the detriment of those that Israel has with Cyprus and Greece. According to G. Lapid, the ties of the three countries are strategic and the bilateral relationship with Cyprus as well as the tripartite one with Cyprus and Greece are of the utmost importance for Israel.

Israeli Foreign Minister in

In his exclusive interview with “F”, the Israeli Foreign Minister records his country's goals in relation to the Palestinian issue. He speaks of actions that will help improve the lives of Israelis and Palestinians. It refers to the two goals set by Israel in relation to the Gaza Strip: firstly to focus on humanitarian reconstruction and secondly to build a port and inflow of foreign investment.

Another important area of cooperation documented by Jair Lapid is that of climate change. Israel, the UAE and Jordan have signed an agreement on a “water for green energy” exchange. Emphasizing at the same time Israel's support for the Cyprus climate initiative.


Source: www.philenews.com

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