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Ivan Savvidis: He sent aid to the pro-Russian separatists of Donbas in Ukraine

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The Greeks of Russia, led by businessman Ivan Savvidis, proceeded with the mission of humanitarian aid to Donbas, with 20 trucks and 14 generators.

The aid was not sent by chance. The recipients of the aid are pro-Russian separatists in the region, who are fighting hard side by side with Russian soldiers and while the information speaks of an imminent large-scale attack by Putin's army in the region.

The aid was delivered to the administrations of & # 8230; in Luhansk and Donetsk, while the defenders of Mariupol may be fighting their last battle as the ammunition runs out.

Donetsk, recognized only by Russia, Dennis Pushilin in the Telegram. In it, Pusilin states that:

& # 8220; This mission will provide solutions to the problem with the power supply and is especially important for the & # 8216; liberated territories' & # 8221 ;. At the same time, he thanked Ivan Savvidis, saying that & # 8220; I express my sincere thanks to the Federation of Greek Communities of Russia and its leader Ivan Savvidis Ignatievich , for their help and support & # 8221 ;. According to the information of the Federation of Greek Communities of Russia, on Thursday, April 7, they delivered to Mariupol humanitarian aid and vehicles, equipped with tanks, containing up to 30 tons of drinking water.

Vehicles and generators strong>

Specifically, the Federation of Greek Communities of Russia sent a total of 20 UAZ cars and 14 generators from Rostov-on-Don, Russia to Mariupol. According to the announcement posted on the official website of the Federation on Thursday, April 7, the cars will be used & # 8220; to provide medical assistance, as well as to deliver humanitarian supplies to residents of remote areas of Mariupol, neighboring villages & farms & 8221 ;.

According to the announcement, Greek associations from all over Russia: from Moscow, Crimea, the Rostov region, the Stavropol region and Krasnodar, Tomsk and Sverdlovsk regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, North Ossetia (Alanya) and 30 tons of drinking water.

Source: politis.com.cy

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