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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Kasoulidis asked for a starting point for the proposal for MOE – Support from Borel

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& nbsp & nbspΑνδρέας Πιμπίσιη & nbsp; & nbsp;

Nicosia does not stand by the Turkish side's public rejection of its proposals to promote specific confidence-building measures. He looks behind the words and sees that there are positive signs. Attempting to start a debate between the two sides on the island, the Cypriot government tells its interlocutors that the proposal for MOE does not move in the logic of “accept it or reject it” and that it believes that through the discussion there can be agreements that will benefit all parties. & nbsp;

Ioannis Kasoulidis met yesterday with the EU High Representative, Josep Borel, to whom Nicosia seems to place special emphasis in order to promote confidence-building measures towards the Turkish side. Hoping that such a development will change the climate within the EU and contribute to the efforts to resume talks. & Nbsp;

READ ALSO: & nbsp;

< b> Kasoulidis explained the proposal for MOE to Borel

“Red” in MOE with Erdogan's orders

According to our information, the Foreign Minister informed Josep Borrell about the package of measures proposed by the Cypriot government, noting that an implementation of all that Nicosia proposes will contribute to positive results for all interested parties. I. Kasoulidis underlined that through the proposal of the Cypriot government's MOE the climate can change both in relation to the Cypriot and the Euro-Turkish ones. & Nbsp;

According to our information, the Cypriot government underlines at the same time that through the MOE it proposes, Turkey can proceed with the implementation of the Ankara Protocol. Development that means the opening of both the port of Famagusta, but also the airport of Tympos as well as the Turkish ports/airports for ships/planes coming from the Republic of Cyprus. According to the analysis made by the Cypriot government with these CEUs, if implemented, there will be a significant benefit for Turkey itself as well as there will be mobility on the issue of customs union with the European Union. & Nbsp;

Both in yesterday's meeting with Josep Borrell and in other cases, the Cypriot government stressed to its interlocutors that the proposal for MOE does not move in the context of “accept it or reject it” (take it or leave it). Expressing readiness to discuss all these issues with her interlocutors. According to our information, I. Kasoulidis stated that some of the proposals, if the will of both sides is confirmed, can be discussed. & Nbsp;

An approach that seems to be gaining ground within the EU, with Josep Borrell appearing positively on the Cypriot proposal and ready to take the issue to the Turkish government as well. According to our information, Josep Borel reportedly told Ioannis Kasoulidis that until recently there was a stagnation in the issues, he spoke about progressive moves by the Cypriot Government and appeared confident that these actions would be recognized by the other partners. This, moreover, was the goal of the meetings that I. Kasoulidis had in the afternoon, with the Foreign Ministers of Italy and Germany. In all three meetings, the Cypriot Foreign Minister called for support for the confidence-building measures proposed by the Cypriot Government.

Diplomatic circles involved in the whole issue, speaking to “F”, pointed out that everything is still at a very early stage. And this may be the reason why the Turkish side is publicly negative. Nicosia's effort “is to start a debate”, diplomatic sources said, noting at the same time, in relation to the Turkish reactions, that “we have some indications that with discreet diplomacy we can achieve something”. & Nbsp;

The same diplomatic circles noted from their side, as well as I. Kasoulidis in the meeting with Josep Borel, that the proposal for MOE is not in the logic of “take it or leave it”, but they consider it as “win-win”, that is, to bring mutual benefit to all parties. In this context, it is pointed out that if Turkey were to implement the Ankara Protocol, it would be a development that “would release some elements of the positive agenda”. & Nbsp;

Diplomats in Nicosia, as well as in European capitals, say that Turkey's need for a positive message to the markets is very important at this stage. The Cypriot side also believes that their proposal can give Turkey the opportunity to send this positive message it is looking for. And because there is no direct dialogue, Nicosia is asking third parties to do this fire survey for a discussion of the MOE, without so far there are specific indications regarding their acceptance. & Nbsp;

Change of day for National Council & nbsp;

The meeting of the National Council will finally take place on the afternoon of March 3. Initially, the President of the Republic had convened the meeting of the National Council for Tuesday, March 1. & nbsp;

Today it was decided to change the day, as President Anastasiadis will be in Saudi Arabia for a visit. The National Council will meet late in the afternoon of March 3 in order to inform the political leadership about the developments in the Cyprus issue and especially the proposal of the Greek Cypriot side to promote confidence-building measures. & Nbsp;

Further the political leadership will be informed and on the results of yesterday's contacts between Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulidis, who had talks with EU High Representative Josep Borrell on the UNHCR proposed by the Greek Cypriot side. At the same time, he has asked for the contribution of Josep Borel in order for the Turkish side to respond positively to the CMOs proposed by Nicosia

Source: www.philenews.com

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