Louis plc recorded a reduced turnover in 2020, as a result of the suspension of operations due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
According to an announcement of the group on the CSE, the company's turnover amounted to only € 17.3 million in 2020 compared to € 215.6 million in 2019. Also, the operating results of € 97 showed a negative deviation. 8 million with Louis plc recording a loss of € 28.9 million compared to a profit of € 68.9 million in 2019. Results from operations after net financing expenses showed a loss of € 69.5 million against profit € 20.1 million in 2019, a negative deviation of € 89.6 million.
On the other hand, the profit of € 84 million, came from the sale of hotels in Greece – five in number – recording for 2020 a net profit of € 12.9 million compared to € 18.2 million in 2019.