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Mavrogianni wants AKEL Politburo – Does not rule out Achilleas Dimitriadis

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& Mu; & alpha; & upsilon; & rho; & omicron; & gamma; & iota; ά & nu; & nu; & eta; & thea; ; έ & lambda; & epsilon; & iota; & tau; & omicron; & Pi; & omicron; & lambda; & iota; & tau; & iota; & kappa; ό & Gamma; & rho; & alpha; & phi; & epsilon; ί & omicron; & tau; & omicron; & upsilon & & & Lambda; & ndash; & Delta; & epsilon; & nu; & alpha; & pi; & omicron; & kappa; & lambda; & epsilon; ί & epsilon; & iota; & Alpha; & chi; & iota; & lambda; & lambda; έ & alpha; & Delta; & eta; & ta; & mu; & mu; & iota; ά & delta; & eta;

With two parallel readings but also with a clear proposal, the Politburo of AKEL sends tomorrow, Saturday, to the Central Committee the position of the majority of the body regarding the candidate it nominates for support from the party in the 2023 presidential elections.

The decision of the General Assembly of AKEL, according to leaks from members of the body, is clear and is not open, at least in relation to its practical part, to any misinterpretations. The majority of the 19-member body (valid information speaks of 11 against 6, an abstention but also an absence), has decided as proposed in the two-day meeting of the Central Committee at the weekend the name of the former negotiator Andreas Mavrogiannis, as the person who is considered appropriate to be supported by the party in the next presidential election. This is the essential picture of things, as reflected in the Politburo meeting and its decisions. A decision of course which was not announced, was not notified but simply leaked. A decision which clearly and unequivocally gives an advantage during the process for the next stage of the party discussions to Andreas Mavrogiannis during the work of the Central Committee tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

More on the subject in the printed version of “P” and for the subscribers of POLITIS PREMIUM the digital edition of the newspaper in PDF at the same time with its printed circulation daily from 05:00 in the morning.

Source: politis.com.cy

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