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More than 3,700 civil servants are privately undisturbed

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More than 3,700 civil servants are privately undisturbed

Eleftheria Paizanou

More than 3,700 civil servants play it on a double board, as, while working and holding public office, they also participate in private companies, either as shareholders or as directors and secretaries.

According to the findings of the Audit Office, during the audit carried out in August 2020, around 1,900 government employees (permanent and indefinite) were found to have shares in one or more private companies. Of these, 200 are members of the National Guard and 150 are police officers and firefighters. It was also found that in addition to 900 civil servants are directors and another 900 are secretaries in private companies.

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During yesterday's discussion of the issue in the Parliamentary Committee on Institutions, it was said that some of the 3,700 civil servants do not declare that they are civil servants, as a result of which they do their business in the private sector undisturbed. The specific employees seem to be violating the law, as they have not received the relevant permission from the Minister of Finance or the Minister of Defense (military), to participate in legal entities under private law. Pursuant to Article 65 of the Civil Service Law, a civil servant is not allowed to practice any profession other than his job in the public service. At the same time, a civil servant is not allowed to participate in the management or to hold shares of any non-public company or cooperative or other private enterprise.

This ban does not cover members of the police, fire brigade and judiciary, so the law will be amended so that they can not participate in private companies.


Source: www.philenews.com

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