Above 80% the reduction in asylum applications for the first time in Cyprus in May compared to April 2024 – The biggest increases as well as decreases in the EU – What Eurostat data shows
Cyprus received in May of 2024 in relation to its population 29.9 applications from people who applied for asylum for the first time for every 100,000 people, according to data published on Tuesday by Eurostat. Overall in the EU, the number of first-time asylum seekers in May was 17.1 per 100,000 people. The fall in asylum applications for the first time in Cyprusbetween April and May 2024 itexceeds 80%.
According to the same figures, compared to the population of each EU country, the highest number of first-time applications time were recorded by Ireland (37.4 applications per 100,000 people), Greece (33.2 per 100,000 people), Spain strong> (31.7 per 100,000) followed by Cyprus.
Total 76,795 applicantsasylum seekers for the first time applied for international protection in EU countries in May 2024, with this number recording a 5% decrease compared to May 2023, when applications reached 80,455.
In absolute numbers, Germany remained the country accepting the largest number of first-time asylum applications (18,175), accounting for 24% of all applications asylum for the first time in the EU. The Syrians remained the largest group of people seeking asylum (11,460 first-time applications), followed by Venezuelans (6,170) and Afghans (5,535).
Based on available data, the number of applications in May 2024 increased in 12 EU countries and decreased in 13 EU countries, compared to April 2024 figures. >Cyprus is the country where the number of asylum applications has fallen more than any other in the EU, with the decrease in May 2024 exceeding 80%.
Accordingly, for the same period, 6,465 third-country nationals (i.e. people who had already secured protection) re-applied for asylum in EU countries, marking a 12% increase compared to May 2023, when applications stood at 5,755.
According to the same figures, a total of 2,565 first-time asylum applications were made in the EU by unaccompanied minors, with most of those coming from Syria (790) and Afghanistan (390).
The EU country that received the highest number of asylum applications from unaccompanied minors was Germany (1,010), followed by the Netherlands (360 ) and Greece (270). The number of applications from unaccompanied minors accepted by Cyprus in May amounts to 35, while in March the applications were 125 and in April 160.
In total, the number of pending asylum applications in Cyprus in May 2024 amounts, according to Eurostat data, to 29,920.