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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Petevinos: “Anorthosis should be concerned and not make suggestions – Mirror of its behavior”

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& Pi; & epsilon; & tau; & epsilon; & beta; ί & nu; & omicron; & lama; & sigmaf; & Alpha; & nu; ό & rho; & theta; & omega; & sigma; & eta; & nu; & alpha; & pi; & rho; & omicron; & beta; & lambda; & eta; & mu; & alpha; & tau; & iota; & sigma; & tau; & epsilon; ί & kappa; & alpha; & alpha; ; & nu; & alpha; & mu; & eta; & nu; & kappa; ά & nu; & epsilon; & iota; & upsilon; & pi; & omicron; & delta; & epsilon; ί & xi; & epsilon; & iota; & sigmaf; & ndash; & Kappa; & alpha; & tata & ph;

Read what APOEL spokesman Nektarios Petevinos said on Cablenet's camera, who responded to what the coach and ET said. of Anorthosis, for the insults to Warda and the behavior of Kvilitaia.

In detail what he said:

“We have to be a little more serious. All the factors, and not to try to fanatize the world and especially not to be selective. Anorthosis does a thing that often forces us to take a stand and it is our fault that we put oil on the fire but the selectivity in its placements is a very wrong approach. I say that because what happens this year in the games that this particular player plays, what happens in the stands, what reactions he has in the stands, is the mirror of his behavior, not as a footballer on the field but as a character. And this should concern Anorthosis itself and not make suggestions on it. We are all on the field, everyone is cursing our families and no one can tolerate it. It is true that this is very annoying in every stadium. Because we know very well and we have experienced it many times, I have been an APOEL employee for 8 years, I have visited many stadiums all over Cyprus, and Ketspaia knows it, we worked together, I think it is wrong to be surprised by these behaviors. To score them yes, but to be surprised and to distinguish them in relation to what is happening in “Papadopoulos” and every stadium, there is the wrong equation of Anorthosis.

From there on I will not dwell on this anymore although I have to say something in relation to what they said about Kvilitaias. If the equation of Warda's behavior is equal to a player celebrating a goal, then we have lost the measure.

Today we took the smallest lead there is. We wronged a very large percentage of ourselves, we had to score more goals and we had the comfort to qualify. We did not do it and our work remains difficult because we will go to a difficult seat. But we have to finish the job because we want to move on. APOEL's goal is to win titles and we do not want to leave any title, we will fight it until the last minute “.

Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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