Pope Francis has found the “cure” for his leg pain, which has forced him to cancel many of his recent activities. As he confessed to Mexican priests who asked him about his health, “what my foot needs is a little tequila.”
This discussion was videotaped by one of the Mexican priests last Wednesday and was posted on TikTok, making it viral.
“How is your knee?” One of the priests is heard asking the Pope. “It's very capricious,” said Francis, referring to the problem that forced him to appear in a wheelchair for the first time in early May and postpone a trip to Lebanon.
«Σ & # 8217; thank you for your smile, for your joy, despite the problems. You give us a wonderful example for future priests “, his interlocutor continues.
The 85-year-old Francis answers him then, looking at him with a sly look: my; A little tequila “and everyone bursts out laughing. “If we ever come to Santa Marta, we will bring you a bottle,” the Mexicans promised, referring to a visit to the Pope's Vatican residence.
This is not the first time Francis jokes about the health problems he faces, especially the pain in his right knee. In January, he told the faithful: “It is a passing thing. They say that this only happens to the elderly and I do not understand why it happened to me… ».